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Build Your Tribe - 8 Values for Leadership Success

This piece was written by Mariana Alvarez Parga, AIA, Director of Architecture + Sustainability at MADI Architecture + Planning. It was inspired by a few books and videos listed at the bottom, as well as a conversation with her best friend and colleague, Jorgelina Roset, General Manager at Blaisten SA in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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As soon as I started reading Tribe, a new book from Sebastian Junger where he explains our evolutionary heritage from tribal behavior, I couldn't help but think about his message applied to a firm’s leadership. As I read along and realized that his message was about our society’s flaws, it made perfect sense to interpret it for the small scale society that is work.

In his book, Junger explains that a big struggle for returning war veterans is their reentry into society (or lack-of). This is because they are coming from a “tribal” environment where they had a defined role and responsibility towards the group, but that vanishes when they can't clearly see how they're needed in the society they are returning to. Their sense of belonging and self-worth is almost non-existent when they return, and Junger explains that it's not the veterans but society that's the problem.   

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The Power of a Mentor

Written by Patricia Galvan. This piece is dedicated to Kevin Davies, AIA and David Whitney, AIA, two architects whom I admire for their professionalism, hard work, patience, and dedication to mentoring design professionals.

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At the top of my annual review questionnaire this year was a quote by the notable late architect, Zaha Hadid,

“You have to be very focused and work very hard, but it is not about working hard without knowing what your aim is! You really have to have a goal. The goal posts might shift, but you should have a goal. Know what it is that you are trying to find out.”

While the quote was meant to inspire me to think about how my professional goals dovetail with the firm’s goals, I’ve had some extra time while on maternity leave to slow down and reflect on all of my accomplishments, both professional and personal. My life is about to change dramatically as I prepare to welcome my first child into the world. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know how I grew to be who I am today. Zaha Hadid’s quote reminds me of a time, early in my career, that was loaded with objectives, focus, hard work, and the development of critical professional relationships.

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Is Work/Life Balance a Myth? Here Are 10 Tips to Help You Do It All

Written by Mani Ardalan Farhadi, Senior Associate and Thought Leader who recently led an interactive workshop on Work/Life Balance at the Equity by Design (EQxD)Symposium. 

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You know those moments when you wonder just how you’re going to get everything done? It happens to me all the time. Last Wednesday, I got 2 hours of sleep before waking up to finish a client presentation, wrap 4 presents, swing by a bakery, and throw a baby shower for a fellow volunteer, all before starting work at 9am. The day followed with a 2-hour conference call, a mad dash to grab a bite, eating lunch while driving an hour to the client meeting, leading the discussions, then driving back for an hour towards home and catching the end of my son’s volleyball scrimmage. This doesn’t happen every day (thank goodness!), but this kind of busy day is relatively common for working women like myself.

For reasons important to me, I’ve chosen to lead a triple life as a manager, a mother, and a mentor - three people existing in a parallel universe. Choosing to balance all three sides has its share of sacrifices, and it requires staying flexible, but it comes with the satisfaction of knowing I’m filling every moment with what I want to be doing.

Here are ten tricks that allow me to serve those multiple roles.

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